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"Operation Ghost Rider" was an investigation into a drug cartel ran by Mexican drug kingpin Juan Jose Esparragoza-Moreno and directly resulted in the seizure of over 28,000 pounds of marijuana; almost 200 kilograms of cocaine; 1,000 pills of Ecstasy; drug proceeds totaling over $813,000 United States Currency; and $2,468,500 in counterfeit $100 bills. Along with the indictment of Esparragoza-Moreno, twenty-four (24) other subjects were federally indicted. In addition, associated drug trafficking cells were identified and targeted in Boston, Massachusetts; New York, New York; St. Louis, Missouri; Chicago, Illinois; Lexington, Kentucky; Newark, New Jersey; and San Diego, California. Investigations were also initiated internationally in Mexico and Spain.
"Operation Ghost Rider" was initiated in July 2002 and received investigative assistance from the United States Secret Service, the Department of Homeland Security-Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the Department of Homeland Security-Bureau of Customs and Border Protection, the Drug Enforcement Administration, the El Paso County Sheriff's Office, and the Texas Department of Public Safety.
Source: FBI El Paso Press Release 10-27-04